
VEVOR Rigid Inflatable Dock Platform Inflatable Dock Floating Dock W/ Pump Waterproof Outdoor For Sun Bathing And Swiming Play

266.19 $

453 in stock

Additional information


Mainland China


PVC Brushed Cloth, EVA Pad


8 - 12 People

Pump Type

Electric & Dual - action Hand


Stainless Steel





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This inflatable dock is a must for water enthusiasts of all kinds. You can use it as a floating resort to play, fish, or layout and watch the sunset from the water. Kids love to jump and play on this floating dock. It is constructed with PVC material for super rigidness and stability. Electric air pump for quick and instant inflation/deflation. The floating dock will bring you lots of fun all summer long.

Large Inflatable Platform
Rigid PVC Material
Quickly Inflate & Deflate
Easy Transport & Storage
Tough Equipment & Tools, Pay Less

VEVOR is a leading brand that specializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands of motivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customers with tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORs products are sold in more than 200 countries and regions with 10 million plus members worldwide.

Why Choose VEVOR? Premium Tough Quality
Incredibly Low Prices
Fast & Secure Delivery
30-Day Free Returns
24/7 Attentive Service
Key Features

13×6.5 ft Inflatable Dock

The inflatable dock provides you a luxurious 13 ft x 6.5 ft extended swim platform. It is designed to give you additional space for lounging, swimming, and relaxing. It is 6 inches thick to ensure stability.

8- to 10-Person Capacity

The floating platform can accommodate 8- to 10-person for you to stand, jump, climb, and play around on it without worrying that it will sink or deflate. D-rings can connect multiple units to make extended platforms

Thicken PVC Fabric

The inflatable swim deck adopts PVC brushed cloth and EVA non-slip pads with double-reinforced seams for incredible durability. The EVA pad is slid-proof and pretty soft to provide comfortable experiences.

Instantly Install

The dock swim platform can easily inflate with the included electric air pump and double-action hand pump and deflate instantly to a storage size of 23.6×15.7×15.7.

Portable Storage Bags

You can deflate the inflatable floating dock quickly into a compact size and store it with the included storage bag to help protect and transport the mat when its in use. An adult can carry the bag anywhere easily.

Wide Application

The swimming water platform is perfect for sunbathing, swim play, tube launching, and boat docking. It provides great fun and a large space for boat-side water play, lounging in chairs, or on beach towels.


Material: PVC Brushed Cloth, EVA Pad
Inflated Dimensions: 13×6.5 ft/4×2 m
Inflated Thickness: 6 inch/15 cm
Deflated Dimensions
: 23.6×15.7×15.7/60x40x40 cm

Material Thickness: 0.047 inch/1.2 mm
Capacity: 8-10 People

Pump Type: Electric &

D-Rings: Stainless Steel
Package Content

1 x Inflatable Floating Platform
1 x Electric Air Pump

1 x Dual-action Hand Pump
1 x Storage Bag
1 x Repair Kit

Material: PVC Brushed Cloth, EVA Pad
Inflated Dimensions: 15×6 ft/4.6×1.8 m
Inflated Thickness: 6 inch/15 cm
Deflated Dimensions
: 23.6×15.7×15.7/60x40x40 cm

Material Thickness: 0.047 inch/1.2 mm
Capacity: 10-12 Persons

Pump Type: Electric &

D-Rings: Stainless Steel
Package Content

1 x Inflatable Floating Platform
1 x Electric Air Pump

1 x Dual-action Hand Pump
1 x Storage Bag
1 x Repair Kit

Material: PVC Brushed Cloth, EVA Pad
Inflated Dimensions: 7×7 ft/2.15×2.15 m
Inflated Thickness: 6 inch/15 cm
Capacity: 4-6 Persons

Deflated Dimensions
: 23.6×11.8×11.8/60x30x30 cm

Material Thickness: 0.047 inch/1.2 mm

Pump Type: Electric &

D-Rings: Stainless Steel
Package Content

1 x Inflatable Floating Platform
1 x Electric Air Pump

1 x Dual-action Hand Pump
1 x Storage Bag
1 x Repair Kit

Features & Details

【LARGE INFLATABLE PLATFORM】- The inflatable dock is 13×6.5 ft, 6 inches thick. It can hold 8-10 people and can use as a floating resort and add your cooler, chairs, and umbrellas

for swimming, snorkeling, yoga, lake lounging,
or tanning.

【RIGID PVC MATERIAL】- The inflatable dock platform is made of super-tough drip-stitched material, thick PVC brushed cloth, and EVA non-slip pads. It is 6 inches thick enough to support adults to play, and no worries about getting rashes from it.

【QUICKLY INFLATE & DEFLATE】- We provide both an electric air pump and a double-action hand pump for you to fast inflate at any time & anywhere. The stainless steel D-rings are designed for quick and easy tethering to any dock, boat, or anchor.

【EASY TRANSPORT & STORAGE】- Inflated dimens

ions: 13 long x 6.5 wide x 6 thick. Deflated rolled-up dimensions: 23.6×15.7×15.7. It can pack down to manageable size for easy transport

【FOR VARIOUS USES】- The floating boat dock is ideal for kayaks, paddleboards, water play, fishing, or simply lounging on chairs or towels and is suitable for you to
host a pool or beach party with friends.


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